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Heritage Interpretation

Latin America and the Caribbean

I-PAL Network Membership Application

A straightforward yet organized eligibility process designed for I-PAL to provide better support and more suitable services.

Being a member entails collaborating closely with the I-PAL Network to actively contribute to endeavours aimed at fortifying the field of Interpretation as a profession. Members play a pivotal role in advancing the development of professional competencies, striving to make a positive and enduring impact in the practical application of interpretation skills.


For Future Members of the I-PAL Network

We only collect your personal data for review, communication, and to provide you with the benefits of your membership. All information is stored securely and is non-transferable.

The data you enter in this form is only accessible to the I-PAL Executive Committee.

By filling out and submitting this form, you are understood to agree to provide your basic information, and upon approval of your affiliation, the creation of your member profile on the I-PAL Network is acknowledged.

Gracias por su interés en unirse a la Red Profesional I-PAL

Necesitamos algunos datos básicos para iniciar el proceso de afiliación:

Idiomas en los que prefiera comunicarse e interactuar con la Red I-PAL
La edad es relativa :P
18 a 24
25 a 34
35 a 44
45 a 54
55 a 64
65 o más

Pag. 1 de 3

We only collect your personal data for review, communication, and to provide you with the benefits of your membership. All information is stored securely and is non-transferable.


The data you enter in this form is only accessible to the I-PAL Executive Committee.


By filling out and submitting this form, you acknowledge your agreement to provide your basic information, and upon approval of your affiliation, the creation of your member profile on the I-PAL Network is understood.

What is Next?

If you have any questions or require guidance on how to complete the form, please contact the liaison office or reach out to our office.

After the review by the I-PAL Council, you will receive an email or message indicating the following:



Approved Application – Indicates that your application has been reviewed and approved by the I-PAL executive committee. Your page will be created as an active member, and this decision will be sent to you via email, providing details on the next steps or relevant information. You will have access to the members' areas and can activate your benefits.


Pending Application – You will be asked to provide additional information before your membership can be approved. In this case, you will receive guidance on specific areas of your application that require further attention.


Declined Application – You will be informed of the precise reasons why your application does not align with the possibility of collaboration for fulfilling the mission of the I-PAL network.

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